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- Associate Professor (retired from December 28, 2013)
- of History and Philosophy of Astronomy and
- Physical Sciences at the University of Athens
President of the Hellenic Physicists Society.
From September 2017 Regular Member of Emeriti professors Union of the University of Athens.
e-mail: etheodos@phys.uoa.g
Οfficial page: https://www.facebook.com/stratostheodossiou
Short CV- first sight
1. | Papers in International Journal (doubled refereed) | 95 |
2. | Scientific Publications in International Memoirs (refereed) | 11 |
3. | Scientific Publications in International Symposia, Memoirs, Letters etc. (refereed) | 30 |
4. | Papers in International referred Journals and Bulletins (refereed)The Compedium, The British Sundial Bulletin, La Busca de Paper | 24 |
5. | Proceedings of International and Greek Conferences (refereed) | 231 |
6. | International and Hellenic Conferences | 150 |
7. | Supervision of Master's dissertations | 8 |
8. | Supervision of PhD thesis | 8 |
9. | Supervision of Diploma's dissertations | 105 |
10. | Personal Interviews | 177 |
11. | Scientific articles in Greek journals, newspapers etc. | 399 |
12. | Special Distinctions for my research and my books | 20 |
13. | Published books (Three of them with multi writers). Book reviews and bookpresentations | 35 227 |
14. | Given talks (Universities, Lyceums, Gymnasiums etc.) | 539= (533+6) |
15. | Citations (papers = 446 and books= 1320) | 1766 |
Supervising and presenting scientific TV-programms at the State Television
1. The 12 months of the year (ET-1): 12 episodes from January to December 2004
2. The Universe I loved (ET-3) : 110 episodes, from 2005 tο 2009.
3. How I watch the World (ET-3): 16 episodes, from June 2012 to April 2013:
http://www.ntokimanter.net/2014/03/etsi-vlepo-ton-kosmo-danezis-theodosiou-ert3-video.html ή εναλλακτικά
4. THE ODYSSEY BEHIND THE MYTH, Antonia Cambiaghi" AND Massimo Brega. ON COSMOTE TV DECEMBER 2022. https://www.kepach.it/
Member of Scientific Societies
Dr. Efstratios Theodossiou is a member of the:
1. International Astronomical Union (IAU, Commission No. 41),
2. British Sundial Society (BSS)
3. North American Sundial Society (NASS)
4. Hellenic Astronomical Society (Hel.A.S, founding member till 2012). Now ex-member.
5. Hellenic Physicists Society. Member of the Board from 2008 and President from 2011.
6. Board Member of Society of "Preserving Language Heritage"
7. Board Member of Society of "Historical Studies of Ancient Greek Mathematics"
8. Board Member of Anaximandros Society for the Presentation of Physics Sciences (founding member)
9. Regular Member of the Serbian Academy for Ancient Studies.
10. Board Member of the International Scientific Society of Ancient Greek Philosophy.
11. Since September 2017 a Regular member of the Emeritus Professors' Union of the University of Athens.
12. From June 2020 a Regular Member of the Parnassos Philological Association (ΛΓ΄ / June 2, 2020 Meeting) and from January 23, 2023 member of the Ephorate of the F.A.. Parnassos, as Dean of the Schools (validation of Proceedings of the 16th, 7/12/2022).
13. Member of the Νorth American Sundial Society (NASS)
14. Regular Member of the Serbian Academy of Ancient Studies.
15. Member of the Canadian Hellenic Congress' National Advisory Board-Congrès hellénique canadien.